The blog posts have been leaning a little more toward kitten than knittin' the last couple of weeks---I guess that's what happens when you bring home a new baby! But between all of the extra feeding, cat box scooping, refereeing sibling spats and keeping the new toddler from accidentally doing permanant damage to himself or the house, I have managed to squeeze in a tiny bit of knitting. Of course, that doesn't mean this post will be kitten-free----maybe just kitten-light...
The felted clogs are almost finished! Just need to sew up the bottom seam and weave in ends, and they'll be ready for felting.
Here's the pre-felted clogs with the foot of their intended owner (the human foot, not the minion foot....)
Of course, Toebi has to try them on for size as well. He thinks they fit just fine without the felting....
I've also started on a pair of Peekaboo mittens. I have been looking for a good "convertible" mitten pattern for a while, but since I've never made mittens before, I was also looking for some that weren't too complicated for my first go at it. I happened upon this pattern on MagKnits, and it seems like just what I'm looking for---functional, but not too fussy.
With a few episodes of frogging at various points, here's what I've got so far...
Another new skill for me was casting on stitches in the middle of rows without holes or strange stringy things stretching across the gap. After a couple of tries and a few frogged rows, I think I got it!
I also found that knitting the mitten on two circulars is working out much better than dpn's for me. I tried to be a purist and do them on the dpn's, but the cuff was not looking as pretty as I knew I could make it, and too much fussing with needles. So I frogged the dpn version cuff and started over with circs, which has been working out great so far. Now, if I can just figure out that thumb thing, I can finish and move on to the left mitten...